welcome to Sammie And Becca's web Site

Last Updated 11/16/1998

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Yes... We did it... we were thinking of making our own web site so when we had time i (Rebecca) worked on it

and now we have it. we will update whenevr we want so come back once in a while and welcome... here we talk about Nintindo and pokemon and other stuff... And updates on our life....And a lot more soon...

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We had a sleep over last night and it was so fun We watched aweosme movies and had our favorite snacks IM SCARED OF 2000 BUG!!!!!!!!!! SOMETHING BAD WILL HAPPEN ON January 1st 2000....Be Aware and safe...ME AND BECCA ARE SCARED AS HELL......They say it's not true but It's Coming...I know it..Every technlology is going to EXPLODE IN TO FIREWORKS AND SCARE YOU all at once...... Throw all of it outside when its time...

Cool pictures

This is my Cat